The Must Read Book for Beginner Investors - Beginners Guide Part 4/5

Warren Buffet is one of the wealthiest individuals on the planet. The third wealthiest to be exact. His net worth totals an astounding $85 billion dollars. He was not born into wealth nor did he inherit any. He grew his wealth simply through investing in the stock market over a long 70 year career. Buffett is a huge advocate of reading and has ready plenty of books in his lifetime. There is one book in particular however that Buffet regards as “by far the best book on investing ever written.”

That book is The Intelligent Investor, by Benjamin Graham.

Benjamin Graham was also Buffets lecturer at the University of Columbia when he studied there, and later mentored him in his professional career.

Reading this book is not guaranteed to make you as successful as Warren Buffet, but it will provide you with more knowledge of the stock market and investing than I could ever hope to in these posts. It offers its readers a unique way to view the market, as well as a series of emotional and logical principles to follow that have proven to provide great returns for investors which adhere to them.

If reading my blog has sparked an interest in the stock market that you wish to pursue further then I highly recommend that your next step be reading this book. You can get the book on Amazon for a reasonable price.
