Why I Save and Invest in the Stock Market - Beginners Guide Part 5/5

For better or worse we live in a society which is dictated and driven by money. The choices we make in life are largely dependent on how much money we have. A simple example would be when you go shopping - the amount of products you can by and the quality of those products is dependent on your budget. Similarly if you want to go on holiday the length of your holiday, the destination and the quality of the hotel that you stay at are dictated by your budget. Even the fact that you have to work a job is a result of the fact that you do not have enough money to live without doing so. 

Therefore in a world where you have unlimited amounts of money you could afford to do what you want to do, see what you want to see, and buy what you want to buy. In other words money is freedom. 

Do not misread my words and assume that I want to live a lavish lifestyle of excessive spending - I don’t. Money to me is simply peace of mind and a ticket to experience all that life has to offer. My previous article discussed that we must decide whether to save for the future or enjoy the present, but I often see the choice as a decision between simple pleasures today, and far more freedom in the future.

If saving more money and investing in the stock market is something you want to look into further, then be sure to check out my recommended reading list.


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